Wednesday, July 23, 2008

2nd He's Got Balls Award

click the link

Ok a quick little version of the story. This Boy found a box of his daddy's porn (do you remember the thrill of finding your dad's porn collection) but after sitting down, lubing up and getting all ready for a glorious session, this young man discovered these porn tapes werent normal. They were more along the lines of beastiality, in fact it was beastiality. The tapes contained a woman getting it on with three different dogs, but alas it gets worse... the woman on the tape was his mother and the dogs, you guessed it, the family dogs. One of the dogs was very close to this boy, to the point of sleeping in his bed most nights. And now he's watching, in disbelief, his mother getting ran down by these hounds.
the cats jealous

But the reason he gets the He's Got Balls Award this week is because he called the cops and had his parents arrested for it. Now that is a noble idea but he had to know that he was now going to be moved to a group home for teenagers, ive been to a group home for teens and im telling you this right now, i'd rather live with parents who were F***ing animals then a group home. You think he would have at least called up his grandparents and said "grandpa, mom's having sex with the dogs can i come live with you?" or something. Now he's destined to share a cell with his father four or five years from now, cause group homes are just a learning ground for future felons. I feel bad for the kid, but honestly if it took him fifteen years to noticed that "the dogs were trained for rape" then he might just deserve his parents.

but congatulations to him on winning the He's Got Balls Award this week.

this is a picture of the boys father... i wonder

how did he ever say "oh, ok honey, sure you can F*** the dog.

But only if i can videotape it and when your done, im getting

a bl**j*b from the cat, is it a deal honey?"


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